Thursday, April 23, 2009

So thankful...

So I've been trying to get on here a few times a week to check out friends blogs etc. The other day a friends blog led me to a great blogger's site, Kelly's Korner. It is so fun to read about her baby Harper and their story. I also love Kelly's blog because she always has prayer requests on her site. Yesterday while perusing her site I came upon the blog for Kayleigh Freeman! This poor little girl was born at only 1 lb and has been in the hospital for about 10 months I think it said! She has struggled immensly her entire short life so far, has had at least three surgeries, one being open heart surgery and just recently the family has gotten bad news. Something happened to her after her last surgery and she isn't responding well. I just wanted to let ya'll know about this so you could send some prayers their way! The site for Kayleigh is Please read their story and say some prayers for Kayleigh and her family! It breaks my heart that anyone has to go through something like this, and makes me so thankful that Graydon is healthy! We don't realize sometimes that although our kiddos are healthy and strong not all babies are.

1 comment:

Lee, Gena, & Hunter said...

I love Kelly's Korner! I found it off someone on your list. I've been keeping up with it for a while. Her recipe site is good too!