Friday, April 10, 2009

Easter Pics

Here are a few of the Easter pictures we had taken of Graydon. A good friend of mine recommended her cousin to us and she has taken some of the best pictures of him! So far we've done Pumpkin pics, Santa pics and now Easter! Thanks for recommending them Bethany!!!!


Eric and Bethany said...

Super cute Jen! Glad Gwen could get some good pictures of the little guy. He is adorable!

Lee, Gena, & Hunter said...

Love these Easter pictues! He is so cute!!

Austin and Ashley Evans said...

LOVE the Easter pics! Too cute!

And yes, you gave her that outfit! She seriously sleeps in it every other night - its my favorite! THANK YOU! And she loves her bows! I need to post pics of her in the bows you gave her - they are SO cute!

cheap essay writing said...

It is very nice and looking so cute. It is good to see such an Easter picture of children. They were looking like a golden star. Thank you for posting such beautiful picture of child. For children Easter have so many fun games like go wild in the country over the Easter weekend at this two-day fair featuring heaps of traditional entertainment and outdoor fun. Visitors to the event which is now in its third year can enjoy jousting performances, birds of prey flying displays, miniature pony displays and stalls selling arts and crafts.