Thursday, February 26, 2009

worst blogger ever award....

Goes to me!!! I am so jealous of those of you with lives interesting enough to post daily, or almost daily! I just don't seem to find the time to post and then when I do, my thoughts just don't seem interesting!

I figured I would get on and post since Graydon is down for a nap, finally! Poor thing has been crying for about 20 mintues! We've gotten to the point where he is exhausted and sometimes just needs to cry! It breaks my heart, but thank goodness he's finally asleep.

Here's an update on us: We've moved again! Yep, again. The joys of hometending! I guess we did a great job at the last house, because it sold quickly. That is what we're supposed to do, but moving is the pits! We're in a new house and I have to say, I love it! I liked the land we had at the other house, but prefer this actual house over the last one.

Mike is doing well at the job, and I'm still working at Willies! Not my ideal job, I'm starting to feel too old to be working there!!! I have to keep praying to not get frustrated and fed up but it's hard sometimes. Its not really anyones fault, most of the people I work with are 18-21ish so they are just in a different stage in their lives. I just have to remind myself that the money is good and I'm only there three days a week so I can stay home with Graydon more. He is getting to be so adventurous and never wants to stop moving! I can't believe my little baby is such a little boy already! They grow up so fast and I just wish I could freeze him at this stage for a little while!

Mike and I are going to try to get in better shape and after hearing friends talk about it we decided to order p90x. I'd never really heard about it, but a friend from church started it with her husband and then another friend said she was doing it with her hubby. The same day she told me that I saw the infomercial for the 1st time and took it as a sign! It's supposed to be a pretty tough workout so we'll see! It came in the mail tonight, so I guess I'll be starting it tonight or in the morning! Wish me luck!

Well, that is all for now, hopefully I'll post again soon... at least before 09 is over!!!


Austin and Ashley Evans said...

LOVED that you finally made a new post!! Ive been waiting for one! And post pics of your new place - I would love to see it!!
Austin says he given up on you - he went to Willies today and Monday of last week and didnt see you. What hours do you work?

Amy Scott said...

So glad to see an update from you guys!! House tending does seem like a pin, but I bet it helps with the bills!!

I need to get into shape too, but Jay does not!! So I'm on my own for that one, I bet it'll be fun to do it together!

We need new pics of Graydon so we can see how much he's growing! Annalee changed a lot after she turned 1, just a few months later she was really starting to look like a little girl and not a baby...

Lee, Gena, & Hunter said...

YAY!!! A new post! I've been waiting for one! :) Thanks for the update! Where are some pictures?!?! :)

Matt and Audrey Myers said...

Yay! Can't wait to hear how your first day of P90X goes! You got it in the mail fast!